Wednesday, May 28, 2008

To Call or Not to Call...That is the Question...

I was in Salt Lake City for work a few weeks ago. While I was there this note was left on my rental car windshield. I was in the Whole Foods parking lot. The note was written on the inside of a Trident Sugar Free Whitening Gum pack. A man who cares about his teeth! I have not called 'Kyle.' Salt Lake City, Denver, eh, I'm just not that into the long distance thing, but I wonder.... Wouldn't it have been easier for him to just walk up to me and introduce himself, rather than take the trouble to write this note? Oh well, I'd much rather receive a note like this than 'I hit your car in the parking lot!'


Hurley said...

31derful, he was just trying to be sly. But that distance is too far...why are you at a whole foods store when you are on business somewhere?

31derful said...

It's the best place for dinner! Healthy, organic salad bar!

Malissa said...

yeah, it would be MUCH more enticing to call if you lived within 50 miles of each other...but good for him for trying, i guess. i don't know, it's kind of creepy on ANOTHER level (like he saw you and you didn't see him).

Iris Took said...

I think the bigger question/worry is, did he sort of forget his own phone number?

Hurley said...

Guys have bad penmenship...I once wrote a note to our desk lady that said "went out for lunch" and the receptionist asked me who wrote "can't cut fat bitch" on her desk. That sentence doesn't make any sense, and she was an obvious idiot, but I think I've made my point here...or not.

Anonymous said...

Ummm this is hilarious. When i read that i flinched a little bit i can't lie, like when you hear a loud noise...

He just sounds so forceful and two !! is like, "i want to meet you or else!!"

you obviously arent hurting for dates..i'd say maybe call him for kicks then stalk him online but maybe dont have his babies.