Thursday, May 8, 2008

OMG, it was my ex-boyfriend!

Or perhaps, it was the long-lost twin he never knew he had! Not my recent ex, but one from a few years ago, Schwartz (yes, that's his real name), was practically sitting across the lunch table from me today. Same height, same physique, same voice, same mannerisms, from the same state, oh my god was it reminiscent of days past! The place where Schwartz and I used to pick up carry-out even happened to be right on the same block as the restaurant where I was now sitting across from his twin.

Having been raised Catholic, when I first started dating Schwartz, a Jewish guy, I was at first slightly apprehensive seeing as though our faiths differed quite significantly. My family is huge on Christmas, his clearly isn't. I thought this was going to be a big deal until I realized, 'Wait a sec! I'll NEVER have to spend Christmas with his family. It's a guaranteed way to always be with mine, whom clearly I would prefer anyhow!' What a discovery that was.

Schwartz and I had a fun 10 month stint and broke up basically because he was a great guy and I liked him an awful lot, but wasn't in love with him. That was about three years ago. I've been over him for awhile now. Last week, I confirmed the fact that I am actually 100%, truly over that relationship because I had the opportunity to run over him and his new girlfriend as they unknowingly cruised right in front of my car on their matching bicycles. I totally could have 'Hit and Run' and no one would have been the wiser. Instead, however, I happily smiled at them, nodded my head, and thought, 'Wow, that is wonderful. I'm sincerely and genuinely happy for him.'

Another sign is when you see your ex with a new girl and it doesn't bother you one little bit. What have been your 'I'm really over him/her' moments?

Oh, the date....I'm sorry, it was just so hard to separate the new Schwartz from the old, but very likeable guy.

Scoopability - 1.5

Spark Factor - 3

I may actually hang out with this one again, although it is the first check I've split.


Iris Took said...

I would have gunned the engine just for having matching bicycles.

Sounds interesting on Schwatrz II. Keep us posted.

Hurley said...

My wife and I alternate checks...I will say that the first 7 years we dated, she didn't do a lot of paying for stuff, but it only bothered me when she didn't at least offer, which, she didn't the first few times we went out. Good luck with the new "black" guy...