Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sir Text-A-Lot

I met Sir Text A Lot at an 80s party a couple of weekends ago. He was wearing a cream-colored tuxedo, complete with tails, a pink cummerbund and matching pink bow tie. Oh, and Ray Bans. It was very well done. I, in my Benetton shirt, side ponytail, blue eyeliner, and leg warmers had good times with him on the dance floor. That was Friday. Then for the entire day on Saturday AND Sunday he sent me innocuous text messages...'How is your day going?' 'What are you up to?' 'Did you get your errands finished?' 'I am counting down the hours until I leave work.' This went on for TWO WHOLE DAYS, but there was never a request for a date. I played along, but was kind of like, WTF?? I credit my friend, Katie, with cleverly coming up with his logical nickname. Thanks, Katie!

Anyhoo, a week and a half later he finally did ask for the date, which I went on last night. We met up kind of late and both had to get up early this morning, so we limited our date to just a few drinks at a neighborhood bar. What he lacks in the finesse of text messaging, he makes up for in person. He played college football on a scholarship, played in a Rose Bowl even! Has his MBA, is an avid participant in the Colorado sports, i.e. mountain and road biking, is close with family, and went out of his way to hold the door open for me.

It was the best first date I've been on in a LONG time!

Scoopability: 5+
Spark Factor: 4.1

Stay tuned....


Iris Took said...

Nice to see a high spark factor!

Malissa said...


Anonymous said...

YAY!5+ scoopability.....

Ky • said...

Oh! This is very, very promising! Keep us posted. Nice.

Hurley said...

I had someone call me sir textalot, and I thought it was a compliment...damn! Glad you finally had a good date...I was beginning to think that the problem on these dates was you...