Monday, January 5, 2009

SuperFine in '09!

My apologies for taking a hiatus from this blog. Long story short, the wrong guy showed back up in my life, made some promises that he kept in the short term, but ultimately could not sustain.'s back to the drawing board as they say. My motto this year is '08 wasn't so great, but everything'll be SuperFine in '09.' (I added the 'Super' just this past weekend, originally it was simply 'fine,' but I decided to kick it up a notch.)

Anyhoo, I've had numerous dates lately. You'll find the first adventure below. Thanks for reading!


Ky • said...

I'm glad you added, the "super". Good call.

Glad you're back and you're right - '09 is all yours!~

Happy New Year!

Malissa said...

glad you're back, but not glad that it's because Mr.WrongGuy showed up again!!

Katester said...

Hooray! I like the motto - and am sending it to a friend who ended her '08 with a nasty break-up!

Can't wait to see all the wonderful things 2009 holds for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi 31, I'm two pretzel's cabo sister, T. I'm very pleased you are back to blogging - I truly enjoy your stories....also, have a good friend in Denver that I would love to fix you up with if you are interested? Good job, no kids, never married but not for lack of trying, good sense of dry humor, has cats but has had dogs, former USGF/collegiate gymnast and still in good shape.....I've NEVER set up a blind date, but you could write first.......

Welcome back to writing, sorry the latest didn't work out and all the most wonderful for your 09 experiences!


31derful said...

Hi 2 Pretzels' sister. I'm totally up for the blind date. Feel free to get my email address from your sis. Thanks for helping!

Anonymous said...

sorry.....I didn't check in. I've asked 2pretz (soon to be 3) for your email address....My fingers will be crossed!!!
