Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bubba Gump

Bubba Gump makes you think of what sea creature?! Right! Shrimp! The reasons I chose this name are twofold: One, he ordered a shrimp appetizer for us. Two, well, he wasn't as tall as was described to me over the phone. Disclaimer: Things written on this blog should only be interpreted as sarcastically light-hearted, not malicious, by any means.

His looks: About 5'7", lighter colored hair, brown eyes, in good shape. Teeth were slightly crooked, as if he had braces at one point, but never wore his retainers. (I still have mine and pop in the top one every so often.)

The convo: BG is well-traveled, so it was fun to hear his stories about various 3rd and 1st world areas where he has been. He owns his own business, has a large variety of interests and abilities. This was discussed in not the least bit of an arrogant way.

Best part: Time went by very fast and I was genuinely interested in what he had to say. We had several of those roundabout know, where one conversation starts and it goes out into all kinds of different directions, but eventually you make it back to where it started.

Least favorite thing that he said: Two different times BG invited me to join him for events that take place two months from now and are in a different city. Perhaps being open and invitational, but jumping the gun a little bit for a first date.

Annoying thing that I did: I literally was removing nail polish from my nails in the car en route to this date, so during the date I was inadvertently picking at my cuticles at fairly consistent intervals...I'm pretty sure!

2nd date? Perhaps, more so to establish a friendship with this guy. He does all kinds of crazy mountain sports and has a bunch of the gear. It would be fun to learn a new activity, i.e. rock climbing, from him.

Who paid? He did, I offered, but he refused. We had a couple glasses of wine and, of course, shrimp.

Number exchange: I did not have any cards on me, so he gave me his, but not before saying in a point-blank manner, "So do you want to go out again?" I appreciate the straightforwardness.

Spark factor: 1 out of 5

Date with Bachelor # 3 is scheduled for Sunday....

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