Monday, April 7, 2008

Wall Street

His looks: About 5'10", well-dressed in a suit and tie (I had almost worn jeans, but changed my mind at the last minute. Good thing!) Dark hair, dark eyes, of Mexican descent.

The convo: Business and travel. Wall Street has his MBA and now works for a banking/venture capital firm. He was in Russia last year about this time and tried a variety of their local cuisine. Main courses of horse and goose were two mentioned. I had to resist making a face. I've had pig's ear and duck tongue, however, so it was interesting to compare notes.

Best part: Discussing strange massages that I've had in Asia and hearing about his rugby team. It's minor league or something fairly big time. Perhaps I'll go see a game.

Least favorite thing that he said: Went into too long of an etiquette discussion regarding blowing your nose at the table and how it's a bad idea. It was the kind of thing that if you were hearing yourself saying it out loud, in your head you'd be saying "Stop talking! Stop talking!" Oh well, I'll chalk it up to first date jitters.
2nd date? Well, I've already been invited to a wine-tasting tonight. Tonight?! There's a final basketball game on, duh! He said I could bring a friend, so if I can find a girlfriend to go, I might go for an hour or so before the game.

Who paid? He did, I offered, but he said, "I'll get it this get it next time?" Um, okay....or I'll use you to get some free wine tonight! Ha, ha.

Spark factor: 1.7 out of 5

Bachelor #4 is on deck for tomorrow night!


Iris Took said...

Is it bad that I totally took my date's napkin the other night at the table to blow my nose?

Go to a game, maybe there are some more bachelors there.

Iris Took said...